With the halo of Telegram with 1 billion users,#TONitself is already hot and popular. Recently, with Binance's attention to the#TONecosystem, the cat (CATI) and hamster ($HMSTR) have been launched online, and the#TONtopic and attention have reached a new level. We often compare Telegram to WeChat. Whoever can open the 'TON Ecosystem Mini Program' will become the overlord of traffic and#TONinfrastructure! And#Nubit(@nubit_org) and#Tomo(@tomo_wallet), invested and led by #Polychain, are becoming the key infrastructure of the#TONEcosystem Mini Program. They jointly launched 'The Matrix' - the ultimate DevTool to transform Telegram into a seamless Web3 ecosystem!

1. Compared with WeChat Mini Programs, the TON ecosystem still has many infrastructure deficiencies and pain points:

2. The asynchronous problems caused by TON’s use of sharding technology and the development difficulties brought by the new Func language.

3. The cost of user education is high. It is difficult for Web2 users to enter Web3 and the operation is complicated.

4. Multiple chain islands make it impossible to effectively exchange value between chains.

5. There are few TON chain development tools and the infrastructure is backward.

The lack of a payment system makes it impossible to achieve effective ecological expansion and closed loop.

The Matrix, a one-stop mini-chain ecosystem solution jointly launched by#Nubitand #Tomo, is solving the above problems. As a development toolkit built on Telegram, it aims to connect Web2 and Web3, providing developers with the tools needed to build the future of Web3 and paving the way for billions of consumers and applications to enter Web3.

The Matrix core advantages:

Developers can seamlessly build, scale and innovate consumer applications on platforms like Telegram, leveraging Nubit’s Unified Wallet, Minichains, Universal Bridge, Nubit DA, MaaS, and DeKit.

Tomo’s unified payment experience forms a perfect closed loop for Dapp application scenarios. The unified wallet simplifies the user experience and asset management, providing users with smooth crypto payments and value exchange.

The Matrix paves the way for onboarding the next billion consumer applications into Web3, changing the way people interact with decentralized applications.

The Matrix consists of six key components:

1. Unified wallet:
• An important part of The Matrix, powered by Tomo Telegram SDK
• Support Web2 social login, support Google, Apple, Facebook and (Twitter) etc.
• The Telegram platform supports mainstream assets such as BTC, Solana, ETH, TON, etc.
• Simplify the process, lower the barrier to entry for new users, and provide a non-custodial, user-friendly interface
• Supporting the purchase of cryptocurrencies with fiat currency in the future

• Nubit provides a customizable high-performance chain to meet the specific needs of developers
• Minichains application chain, mini program owners are autonomous and controllable, ensuring full control over resources, governance and data
• Can be developed on major Layer1 blockchains (ETH, TON, BNB Chain or Solana) to ensure security and interoperability

3.Universal Bridge:
• Universal Bridge can synchronize messages and seamlessly interact between Minichains, enabling atomic transactions across multiple chains
• Support gas fee interoperability, making it easier for users to pay gas fees across different chains
• Utilize Nubit DA for data sharing, the bridge ensures consistency and reliability of interactions across the ecosystem

4. Get married:
•The data availability pillar in The Matrix, providing a scalable and trustless layer that ensures the security and efficiency of data across all Minichains
• Nubit DA leverages Bitcoin’s unparalleled security to ensure data remains accessible and consistent across the ecosystem

5. Decentralized Kit (DeKit):
• Use the traditional Web2 Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture to simplify the process of building DAPPs on Telegram
• Make it easier for Web2 developers to get started with Web3 development, and accelerate the popularization and dissemination of Web3 technology

6.Minichain-as-a-Service (MaaS):
• Provides a code-free dashboard for developers to create and manage Minichains
• With MaaS, developers can easily configure blockchain environments, adjust gas limits, optimize performance, and deploy applications.
• The platform has built-in basic infrastructure services such as RPC, state verification and chain browser to reduce operating costs

#Nubit and#Tomoare ambitious. The Matrix is ​​expected to become the number one development tool in the TON ecosystem, which will help dissolve the boundaries between Web2 and Web3 and usher in a new era of interconnected applications and ecosystems. The six components play a vital role in providing a seamless Web3 experience for developers and users. It will bring new opportunities to incubate tens of thousands of TON ecosystem DAPPs and is expected to lead 1 billion people to enter the Web3 market and make contributions. It is worth paying attention to!