⚡️ Hello, Friends!

I want to share important information about transaction delays at the end of August. From the 26th to the 28th, the TON blockchain experienced interruptions due to a sharp increase in the withdrawal of DOGS tokens, which created a huge load on the network.

🔍 Here is a brief analysis of the events:

1️⃣ Millions of users simultaneously began withdrawing tokens.

2️⃣ Cross-sharding messages and transaction prioritization led to queues.

3️⃣ Processing delays reached three hours.

🚀 Our team has already developed an action plan to improve the DEX:

- Introducing a deadline parameter for returning tokens during long processing.

- Reducing the number of messages in exchanges from 8 to 5.

- Deploying additional routers on different shards to speed up operations.

- New architecture without central contracts for even load distribution.

We continue to improve. Follow the updates in the STON.fi telegram channel!