Date: 30-09-2024

Technical Analysis:

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1. Bitcoin Price & Bubble Index Chart 📈

  • Bitcoin Price (Green): This green-shaded area represents Bitcoin’s price movement over time, highlighting both bull runs and crashes.

    • Peaks in 2013, 2017, and 2021 show significant bull markets, with 2021 reaching an all-time high of more than $60,000.

    • Immediate bearish corrections followed these price booms, showing us that Bitcoin goes through repeated boom and bust cycles.

🚀 Bull Markets:

  • 2013: Strong ascent from nearly $10 to $1,000 in less than a year.

  • 2017: Monumental rise from several hundred dollars to ~$19,000, driven by mainly retail investors.

  • 2021: Another price explosion to ~$64,000, driven by institutional interest and a global shift in financial attitudes toward BTC.

⚠️ Post-bull corrections: Historically, each bubble has been followed by retracements of 50% or more. The sell-off in 2017-2018 led to an 85% collapse, before consolidation in a bear market.

  • Bubble Index (Yellow Line): This captures sentiment-fuelled speculative action during bubbles.

    • In 2021, a spike indicates euphoric speculative behaviour, perfectly mirroring the subsequent crash.

    • 🛑 Warning: Extreme peaks in the Bubble Index often precede market collapses, making it a reliable tool for tracking overheated speculation.

  • This red line signifies public search interest for Bitcoin.

    • Key spikes in this trend align with massive retail participation in bull runs.

    • 🌎 When masses Google for Bitcoin-related terms, it signals FOMO among retail traders, followed by price increases which fuels euphoric-driven markets. This activity peaked in 2017 and 2021.

💡 Crucial insight: During accumulation phases and bear markets, Google search interest drops. Historically, this has been an optimal time to buy.

3. Bitcoin Difficulty ⚒️

  • The difficulty to mine Bitcoin (green line) is a marker of network security and miner participation.

    • 📈 Difficulty increases correlate strongly with bull markets, as higher revenue and demand lead more miners to participate.

    • When Bitcoin mining difficulty rises, it signals an increasingly robust and decentralized network.

⚙️ Post-Bull Market Adjustments:

  • Even during bear markets, the difficulty gradually increases, demonstrating miner confidence in long-term growth. There is no steep drop-off even after Bitcoin market declines, reinforcing miners' faith in the asset.

4. Bitcoin Transactions 🔄

  • Represented by blue bars, this shows on-chain activity for Bitcoin.

    • 📊 Bitcoin's transaction activity spikes during bull runs.

    • In 2017 and 2021, there were sharp increases ins transactional volume, indicating greater network congestion and usage as prices soared.

🔎 Transaction Count Behaviour:

  • Bull cycles: Transaction surges, congesting the network.

  • Bear cycles: Transactions remain steady, signalling underlying usage is still prevalent.

5. Bitcoin Sent by Address 🏦

  • This brown bar tracks the total volume of Bitcoin being transferred across addresses.

    • 2017 & 2021 Activity: Activity greatly increased towards the end of bull runs, signalling profit-taking by whales and institutions.

  • Post-bull Patterns: There’s a cooldown after the peaks as speculative traders exit, but still consistent baseline activity shows ongoing participation even through bear downturns.

🌍 Usage Representation: Increased Bitcoin transfers represent adoption and support Bitcoin as a global asset.

6. Bitcoin Tweets 🐦

  • These pink bars showcase the volume of Twitter mentions related to Bitcoin.

    • Timeline of peaks clearly shows record-breaking Twitter activity during major rallies (2017 and 2021), with both bull runs experiencing massive spikes in public attention.

    • Rapid drops post-bull run correspond to the crash—with reduced mentions suggesting bearish sentiment thereafter.

🚨 Key retail signal: Huge spikes in Bitcoin mentions on social media platforms often foreshadow market tops, as the broader public becomes euphoric about making easy money.

7. Network Growth / Cycle Patterns 🔁

  • This chart reveals that Bitcoin operates in distinct four-year cycles, often aligning with major crypto events (like Bitcoin halving's).

    • Every peak consistently meets higher highs, showing Bitcoin's progressively increasing influence on the global stage.

♻️ Market Cycles:

  • Bitcoin's cycles generally move from accumulation phases (bear markets) → pump & speculative phases (bull markets) → blow-off tops → market corrections → another round of accumulation.

Critical Signals to Detect Bull Markets & Bear Markets 💡

What triggers a Bull Market? 🚀

  • Mining Difficulty surges paired with increasing transaction volumes indicate growing interest and institutional faith.

  • High retail search interest and Google spike activities closely align with Bitcoin's bull runs.

  • Bitcoin Sent by Address peaks indicate that institutional activity may be kicking off profit realization, showing that market tops are brewing.

What signals a Bear Market? 🐻

  • Bitcoin Bubble Index spikes indicate euphoric overvaluation—when speculative activity feels overwhelming, crashes follow soon.

  • "Search interest and Tweets rapidly dropping":

    • Sharp declines warn of retail disengagement, typically followed by corrections.

    • Ironically, these low periods are often when the market later undergoes accumulation!

Summing Up 🧠

  • The combined insights from various metrics like Google Trends, Mining Difficulty, Transactions, and Social Media Trends form a highly predictive toolset for understanding Bitcoin's market cycles.

  • While bull markets may bring in new users via intense hype, the best entry points after the madness often occur during the lower Google Trend activity and tweet activity downturns, signalling accumulation phases.

  • 🚦 Macro Behaviour: Over time, you can observe less extreme volatility after each collapse (e.g., 2013 vs. 2017), accompanied by a growth in long-term network fundamentals, which promise Bitcoin's future potential beyond just pricing bubbles.

Disclaimer: The content of this article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. Cryptocurrency investments are highly volatile and may lead to substantial financial loss. Always perform your own research and consult a qualified financial advisor before making any investment decisions. The opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not represent the views of the publisher or its affiliates. Investing in cryptocurrencies involves inherent risks, and past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. Please exercise caution.