The market generally believes that the Fed may choose to cut interest rates significantly. The probability of a 50 basis point rate cut has reached 65%, while the probability of a moderate 25 basis point rate cut has dropped to 35%. This sign shows that the market is relatively pessimistic about the economic outlook. Market sentiment has reversed again!

However, this is not necessarily bad news. Although a sharp interest rate cut suggests that the economy may face a recession, the market seems to be more concerned about the expansion of liquidity brought about by the interest rate cut, and this liquidity expansion may have a positive impact on the prices of assets such as Bitcoin. Therefore, even if the interest rate cut is large, it may not necessarily bring negative results, but may instead drive up asset prices.

So it depends on how the main dealer guides the market to achieve the goal of thorough cleaning before the new round of trend comes! A 50% drop? A 25% drop? The market sentiment can be interpreted as positive or negative! But in the long run, the expansion of liquidity brought about by the interest rate cut is definitely a positive!

Of course, some people still believe that the Fed will not cut interest rates this time, and the answer will be revealed soon at 2 a.m. As for those who advocate that once the Fed cuts interest rates, US stocks and Bitcoin will plummet, they are still skeptical and believe that the final market performance will break these predictions. And those who sell assets in advance may regret it.


Yesterday's buying opportunity at 58500-57500 was an unexpected rise! Congratulations to those who followed! Currently, 59500 is the watershed between long and short positions. Above this, there is a probability of continuing to rise. The high volatility of the interest rate meeting time is entirely possible to rush to 63700-65000 and then crash the market! If it falls below 59500 during the day, there may be no high point! So you can try short-term buying opportunities at 60200-59800! Stop loss if it falls below 59500!


When the market is unanimously bearish, it may become stronger at any time! Pay attention to the buying opportunities of 2310-2260 during the day! First look at the test of 2410-2430 above! If it falls below 2260, stop loss!


Pay attention to the buying opportunity at 131-128! The last one is 137-139! If it falls below 128, stop loss and wait for the buying opportunity at 126-120!

The information and data involved in this content are derived from publicly available materials, and we strive to be accurate and reliable, but we do not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the information. The content does not constitute any investment advice, and you are solely responsible for investing based on it!