Many people are concerned about when the bull market will come. When the price of the currency reached 73,800, many people predicted that the price of the currency would reach 100,000 in the second half of the year. Now no one is talking? Those who say the bull is coming are the same group of people, and those who shout that the bear is coming are still the same group of people. Let's talk about some common characteristics of the bull market in the currency circle!

First, Bitcoin and Ethereum both surpassed the historical highs of the previous bull market, which is the sign of the start of the big bull market. Second, the index is above 10, the index is lower than 0.2, and Jiang Zhuoer's 60-day continuous increase index is higher than 80%. These are basically bull tops.

Third, the daily K-line price of Bitcoin and Ethereum deviates from the 60-day moving average by more than 30%, and the 60-day moving average continues to rise. It means that everyone who entered the market in each time period has made a profit.

Fourth, the 30-day, 60-day, 120-day and 200-day moving averages are scattered, indicating that the chips are not concentrated and have begun to be distributed. Everyone is making money, which is very dangerous.

Fifth, the activities of the exchange are endless, basically 1-2 times a month, and each project party is trying to launch projects while they have money to sell them at a good price.

Sixth, the circle of friends is full of people showing off their earnings, and the group is full of myths of getting rich quickly. You have also made some money, and you are excited to get rich like them.

Seventh, the market value of Bitcoin has dropped to about 30%, because the market value of the copycat has risen to hundreds of billions, which is dangerous at this time. Eighth, the transaction volume is very high, and the transaction volume can reach hundreds of millions of dollars a day.

Ninth, the Ethereum Foundation began to sell coins frequently, and their wallets

assets began to be deposited into the exchange for sale.

Ten, there are continuous good news in the market, one after another, and there are endless stories to tell, and each story is different.

Summary: The bull market in the currency circle generally lasts from 6 months to 2 years. For example, from the end of 2016 to the beginning of 2017, the price of Bitcoin rose from less than 1,000 US dollars to nearly 20,000 US dollars, and the bull market lasted for more than a year. At the beginning of 2019, the price of Bitcoin gradually rose from $3,000 to a high of $14,000 in June. The bull market lasted for nearly 6 months.

It should be noted that the rise and fall of digital currency prices is very unstable. The greater the price rise, the easier it is to adjust, and the greater the adjustment. Therefore, the duration of the bull market in the currency circle cannot continue to rise, and there will definitely be optimization and ups and downs$BTC $ETH $BNB