The wisdom of the Navarre Codex is always fresh. Let's explore 6 key insights:

Happiness and wealth are not directly related. True abundance comes from the heart.

Wealth is only an external manifestation of one's life state. Those with a rich heart naturally attract wealth.

Wealth is like flowing water, and it will eventually converge on those who are authentic and calm.

Entrepreneurs can be divided into two categories:

1. Those who are proficient in business methods

2. Those who take sincerity as their criterion

The former are often trapped in tension, anxiety, fear of failure and betrayal. The people around them are often under great pressure.

The latter enjoy a rich and comfortable life. Sincerity nourishes trust, promotes frank sharing, and harmonious and happy family and interpersonal relationships.

These two types of models are everywhere around us. Becoming the latter requires cultivation, wisdom and knowledge accumulation. Let us work together to pursue a sincere and inner rich life!