Ten truths about the cryptocurrency circle

1. You think that local dogs have a chance to double 100 times, but in fact, the rate of local dogs returning to zero is 99.99%

2. When you hear that something is very profitable, it is basically time to take over.

3. When you think that the market is over and everything is going to return to zero, the bull market may be galloping!

4. When you are more and more sure that a coin is going to soar, it is often the time for the dealer to collect the vegetables.

5. You think that money in the cryptocurrency circle is easy to make, but in fact it is easier to lose.

6. You think that kols are very profitable, but some kols may not have as high income as you.

7. You think the success rate of playing contracts is 50%, but in fact, not even 10% of people make money.

8. You think that the dealer is your enemy and you want to defeat him, but in fact, the dealer is our thigh, and we can only drink soup by holding him tightly.

9. You think that the cryptocurrency circle should be value-invested, but in fact, it is not the coin that creates value, but human greed.

10. You think getting rich in the cryptocurrency world depends on hard work, but in fact it depends on luck. $NEIRO $BNB $BTC #加密市场急跌 #币安上线NEIRO #美联储利率决议公布在即 #新币挖矿CATI #新币挖矿HMSTR