If NEIRO falls below 35, you can open a long position. If it falls below 3, you can buy it without thinking.

I haven't touched new coins for a long time since TNSR.

But today I did a project research on NEIRO, which is the meme coin with the lowest market value on Binance.

Maybe Neiro itself is a local dog, but Binance has plated it with a layer of gold! I think this coin will double the profit! Friends who buy spot can directly click below ⬇!

All-in local dogs do not need technical analysis, all they need is a ❤ that dares to all-in!


#加密市场急跌 #币安上线NEIRO #美联储利率决议公布在即 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #新币挖矿CATI $BTC