Regarding bnb, actually bnb is also one of my major positions and I have held it for a long time.

Bnb has performed well recently, beyond my expectations, so there is nothing much to say.

Analytical value is more important than mindless hype.

Value is the support for rising prices, and speculation without value is difficult to grasp.

Although mindless hype is more likely to make you rich overnight, those are only the darlings picked out of a hundred or even a thousand.

Recently, a certain meme has increased by hundreds of times, but I didn’t buy it. It’s not that I don’t like these things, but I don’t understand them, or it’s hard to control them. If I had operated recklessly in the past two or three years, I would have returned to the pre-liberation era. It is because I controlled my hands and operated less, and didn’t do things I didn’t understand, that I survived the bear market and achieved a halving of the results, but at least I kept most of the profits from the previous round; the bull market has achieved a 10-fold return so far, exceeding the peak I had ever created.

So I will just talk about the bnb that I can understand.

The recent rise of bnb once made me afraid of profit, but since I had deposited it regularly, I didn't move it at all. Although the profit from mining is about 3 times the bottom, it is not much compared with some altcoins, but I am very satisfied. After all, my position is not very light, and I didn't sell a single one during the whole process. In the past, when the price was low, I would increase my position and reinvest after selling mining.

The first is quarterly destruction:

In the past, bnb destroyed about 500 million US dollars every quarter. With the arrival of the bull market, it is not an exaggeration to destroy 1 billion US dollars per quarter. Based on the average price of 600 US dollars, more than 1.5 million coins can still be destroyed per quarter, which means 6 million coins per year, with an annualized deflation rate of 4%.

The second is new coin mining. When BNB was around $300, I could earn 2-3% from mining. Now that BNB has gone up in price, the mining income has dropped a bit, averaging 1%. Currently, Binance releases new coins 2-3 times a month, averaging 2.5 times, so the income from new coin mining every quarter is 2.5%. Without considering reinvestment, the annualized income is 30%, which is quite high.

The second is financial management and other activities. For example, the annualized return of bnb's regular financial management is 1-2%. Sometimes there will be some other activities. For example, I participated in this activity to get airdrops for regular deposits. If nothing goes wrong, I can probably get some xai tokens.

All in all, bnb's various activities can achieve an annualized rate of return of about 35% in terms of currency.

Secondly, the status of the BSC chain, BNB is not only a platform currency, but also a public chain token. DeFiLlama data shows that the transaction volume of DEX on the Ethereum chain was US$3.939 billion on March 15, ranking first. The daily transaction volume of DEX on the Solana chain was US$3.573 billion, ranking second; the daily transaction volume of DEX on the BSC chain was US$2.218 billion, ranking third.

BSC is currently ranked third among public chains, which is also of considerable value.

The above is my understanding of the value of bnb. Of course, I don’t understand other capabilities such as Binance Storage. So I won’t pretend to understand too much.

Even for the value I can see, BNB's current prices are still not particularly overvalued.

Of course, after talking about value, we have to talk about risk.

The main risks of bnb lie in supervision and the lack of follow-up support after the new issuance.

This depends on the individual's weighing of the pros and cons. Investment always has risks. If there is no risk, it is not called investment. It is because there are still many uncertainties, which is why BNB is neither up nor down at present. But think about it another way. If all the risks are eliminated, do you still have a chance?

For example, if Bitcoin truly surpasses gold, then for ordinary people, it will only be a financial product. Early investors must take risks to get a high enough return.

I wrote this article for myself to read. If other people read it, they will understand it better. If they don’t, just treat it as a joke. After all, my current knowledge is limited and I still have a lot to learn.