Good afternoon, my view remains unchanged. I continue to see a rebound.

$BTC $ETH . What is the upper pressure point? Please read on patiently.

Before entering the topic, please help to pay attention!

BTC upper pressure 59200 59550 60000 60500 Lower support 58500 58000 or so 57500. The big cake is still strong and resistant to falling.

ETH upper pressure 2330 2350 2380 or so 2400 Lower support 2285 2270 2240-50 is a relatively hard support.

I still maintain a bullish view in the afternoon. I am not a fence-sitter. There are 800 directions a day. How about the violent pull-up of the US stock market in the evening? Look forward to the evening. #加密市场急跌 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美国8月核心CPI超预期