I often talk about the liquidation map. Many masters asked me where to see it. I have replied many times. They are all fake fans. I am sad. I will report to you in detail the various software I often use.

1 Liquidation map Please check the white cow on the desktop. Apple users can download it directly in the store. No foreign ID is needed. You can view the detailed leverage liquidation of each position through the liquidation heat map or liquidation map in Figure 2.

2 Jinshi Data Apple users can also download it directly in the store. You can sort it by calendar to see the data to be released in the near future. The news in the currency circle is now more influential than various technical indicators. For example, I watched it fall this morning because the information about Trump's failed assassination was pushed at 7.06. Dog dealers often do market crashes with news.

3 Coin This software requires a foreign ID for Apple users to download. There are open and private positions of the masters. If you find a relatively powerful copy trader, you can refer to his position to open a position with him. This is completely free, provided that his real market is public.

4 Tonghuashun can see the Nasdaq index of US stocks. There is no need to say more. The impact of US stocks on the currency market is self-evident. Bitcoin will not be easy if US stocks plunge, and vice versa.

5 Happy Landlords Landlords is actually the most important software. Although it seems to have nothing to do with the currency market, you can open it to kill time when you are bored staring at the market, maintain a stable and good mentality, and start emergency hedging. Although I usually don’t use it, I must recommend it. When you get four bombs and have absolute power to dominate the whole field, your pleasure will spread throughout your body, and your mentality will be perfectly repaired, so you can kill all sides in the currency circle. This is actually the biggest secret weapon of the 10,000-fold journey.

I took out all my family assets, brothers, look for what you need and find it yourself. I don’t know how to download it for Android. If it doesn’t work, you can go to Baidu to search, and you will find it.