Many new friends often have a misunderstanding that interest rate cuts are the direct horn of a bull market. In fact, it is not the case. The interest rate cut and the bull market need a bridge of time to connect.

At present, whether the Federal Reserve will cut interest rates in September and the extent of the cut - 25 basis points or 50 basis points, have become the focus of heated discussions in the market. The probability of the two is equal, and each accounts for half of the market. This means that uncertainty is the keyword of the current market.

Special reminder, on the night of the 18th, the stage of Bitcoin is destined not to be calm, and the volatility will be as turbulent as the tide. But how it will dance and where it will jump depends on how the market's trading volume guides it. Remember, news-driven market conditions are always elusive. At the moment before and after the announcement of the interest rate cut, Bitcoin may stage a thrilling "roller coaster". However, the real direction still depends on the power of the market itself.

For the spot we have on hand, it is key to keep a stable mentality. Whether the market is rising or falling, even if the good news of the interest rate cut comes, funds will not immediately flood into the currency circle like a tide. Stock markets, commodities, futures and other markets are equally attractive to funds, and funds tend to flow to those seemingly more secure ports first.

But please rest assured that the bull market will not be absent, it just takes a little time to brew. According to my prediction, this bull market is expected to blow quietly in October, bringing us a harvest season. So, be patient, make friends with time, and wait for the flowers to bloom.

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