Jack Ma on Bitcoin: If it comes true, financial trade will usher in a new era

Jack Ma admitted that Bitcoin is both a mystery and thought-provoking to him. He envisions that if Bitcoin really shows its strength, the global financial trade landscape may usher in a disruptive change. But since we are not yet ready for this change, he is currently focusing more on the development of Alipay. So, what do netizens think about this?

Bitcoin VS Alipay: Some netizens joked that if Bitcoin is fully popularized, Alipay may become history.

Anonymous concerns: Bitcoin's anonymous nature has sparked heated discussions, and people are worried that it will become a hotbed for illegal transactions and threaten national order.

The future of blockchain: Many netizens regard blockchain as a new blue ocean of the Internet, and call for early layout to seize the opportunity.

The true meaning of decentralization: Insightful people pointed out that Bitcoin and blockchain complement each other, but the core of blockchain lies in decentralization. If you only study blockchain and ignore its essence, the technology itself has fatal flaws. Therefore, the future of blockchain should be built by everyone, not just one person.

Alibaba's layout of blockchain: Alibaba's emphasis on blockchain is self-evident, and its research trends have attracted much attention.

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