The market changed suddenly on Monday, and the fruitful results of last week were wiped out in an instant. If the profits were not locked in at a high level in time over the weekend, today's retracement would definitely make people regretful, and the taste would be like a missed opportunity, bitter and unspeakable.

In this fast-paced trading world, we found that whether it is a large investor with strong funds or a small investor who pursues flexibility, more than 90% of traders prefer intraday or short-term "sleeping strategies", and hold positions for no more than three days, as if they were passing by the market. And those warriors who dare to hold the contract tightly in their hands for a week or even half a month are often not holding on because of profit, but are actually helpless after being locked in.

The key is that every trader should have his own navigation map-a unique cognitive and trading system. In the ocean of investment, whether it is a black cat or a white cat, as long as it can catch fish, it is a good cat. In the face of unpredictable market conditions, we need to flexibly adjust the beacon of profit-taking, rather than blindly setting unattainable goals, such as imagining that we will climb from the foot of the mountain to a peak of 70,000 overnight, or easily assert that it will fall to the bottom of 48,000. Such a gambling mentality will only cause the ship of wealth to hit the reef and sink.

Key points to remember: In contract trading, stop loss and stop profit are like the two rudders of sailing, neither of which can be missing. The advice of others may guide you, but the real helmsman can only be yourself. Because the market is changing rapidly, you have no way of knowing when others' strategies will be adjusted. Many people are obsessed with the illusion that "more margin is the kingly way", and are willing to bear huge losses, even at the cost of hundreds of thousands of gold yuan, just for the illusory hope of a comeback. However, transactions without risk control are like racing cars without brakes, and will eventually drive into the abyss of disaster. Remember, every blind persistence is a potential threat to your trading career.

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