Profitable in the cryptocurrency circle for 9 years! Summarized 9 iron laws, every word is precious

1. If the capital is less than 100,000, only hold one currency, buy two with 200,000-300,000, buy 3-4 with less than 500,000, and do not hold more than 5 no matter how much capital you have

Many people say that eggs should be placed in multiple baskets. Then I tell you, when the market is turbulent, the more baskets you put, the more rotten eggs you will have

Only those who have experienced many bull and bear markets know that in a bull market, concentrated funds can make a lot of money, and in a bad market, the stop loss can be timely with a small number of stocks. I have seen people who bought 300,000 funds. They may not lose much, but they certainly can't make money

2. Read the news to learn technology. The only purpose is to improve the winning rate in two words: follow the trend. Most of the rebounds in the downward trend are to lure more, and most of the declines in the upward trend are to dig pits! When you are not a master yet, don't think about bottom-fishing, and don't guess what the main force thinks. The main force is not something you can guess if you want to. Don't play too many tricks when your strength is limited. 3. Only operate when the market is active.

4. Fixed stop loss position in loss state, never move down. How many people with fluke mentality have short-term long-term, long-term contribution! In the profitable state, the exit point is constantly increasing. Don't let the profit go back. Profit 50%, retracement 5% unconditional sell, profit 30%, fall back 10% unconditional sell

5. When you meet your own buying conditions, you must be decisive when entering and resolute when selling. The currency circle must be vigorous and resolute in execution, without dragging your feet

Indecisive people will inevitably miss the opportunity or ride a roller coaster

6. Ask yourself before adding positions, if you didn't enter before, would you still buy in this situation? If you can, you can, if not, then sell! Generally, I will look at the K-line chart in reverse, so that the top and bottom will change, which will be more effective.

7 Don't be too obsessed with intraday short-term trading. You have to admit that the smaller the fluctuation, the more confused people are and the harder it is to grasp. There is a famous saying: small profits rely on speculation, big money relies on momentum.

8 You can choose not to chase because the price rises too high, but don't buy the bottom because it falls too much. Only 20% of people in the market will always make money. Never put yourself in the stage where the dividend returns to zero.

The currency circle is a game of human nature. There will be uncomfortable times, and you must learn to release. Don't be angry$BTC $ETH #加密市场急跌 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #新币挖矿HMSTR #新币挖矿CATI