Good morning everyone. Let’s continue to look at the market trend. The price has exceeded the 60,000 mark but has not stabilized. The morning shipping conditions have also experienced a correction, and the short-term trend has gone out of a strong downward trend. The low has retraced around 58,500 and rebounded out. Compared with more than 1,000 points, The rebound is not too strong at present.

Looking at the 4-hour chart in the short-term cycle, the Bollinger Bands are in a shrinking state, and the price has rebounded many times and cannot stabilize. Subsequently, it fell below the mid-track position and the market conditions are still weak. Moreover, the daily moving averages are upward and exert downward pressure, and the MACD fast and slow lines are close to each other. There is a trend of a dead cross, the histogram has turned from positive to negative, and the short-term has broken EMA7. The 58000 first-line position that we should focus on in the future. If the market outlook does not fall below this area during the correction, the upward trend will not change. On the contrary, the downward space will be opened. Operation On the Silk Road, it is better to look at low-level players and be prepared to guard against high-level players.

I am Shaoqin, your financial steward. I pay attention to and share daily shipping trends and industry information. I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival! ! ! #灰度将推出首个美国XRP信托 #FTX赎回Solana #美国8月核心CPI超预期 #特朗普哈里斯辩论未提及加密货币 #比特币挖矿难度创历史新高 $BTC $ETH