$BTC Damn, I woke up and the market came to the 58200 support point. This market was analyzed in the early morning, and the high altitude is 59700 and 85200. Too fast. ☺️☺️☺️

The current market is at the daily and 4-hour EMA support points, which is also the pressure point of 85200-58500 that the market broke through many times last time. So this point pressure becomes support, and it seems difficult to break through. In fact, the 4-hour and daily line indicators continue to be bearish.

At this time, it is not suitable to go long at 59200 points to grab the return, and the general trend is still bearish. Then use the "short exploration method" to operate. 57000, 55600-57000, explore step by step

Remember, never enter the spot.

The contract is high altitude, use the "short exploration method"

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