signal type - LONG

entry price- 2400-2411

coin name- #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥

I can see eth breakout it's resistance line but after the breakout still eth holding a range it's not pumping because of btc dominance BTC dominance is bullish so that BTC is strong right now but acording to my analysis ETH is bullish to let me explain how

1- I can see after breakout it's holding it's support line it's a healthy sign.

2- I can see that in RSI breakout it's resistance line it's also a bullish sign as you can see in my added photos.

3- I can see total2 is bullish so that still eth is bullish

if you want to open any long position it's a perfect time for long

My entry price is for long - 2400-2411

1st tp- 2600

2nd tp- 2800

leverage 20x

sl- 2330

Click here to take this trade - $ETH