Daily Share

After Bitcoin surged to 60625 yesterday, it has been in a short-term oscillation correction and has never surged above 60500. I think we still need to observe whether the short-term will rebound after the entire center. If it falls below 59500 again, it should be confirmed that there will be a 1h level correction.

The overall 4h level rebound price should be almost over, and the structure may still lack an upward surge. If it cannot quickly surge and break through 63,000, a 4h level correction will be seen in the short term. The current trend is not very strong, so there may be a 4h downward trend next week.


Due to the rapid changes in the short-term market, the article can only predict the market changes at the moment of publication. Short-term players should pay attention to the latest changes in the market and use it as a reference only.


At the 1h level, there may be a 1h level correction here. If it falls below 57,000, it may have a 4h level correction. If it does not fall below, there should be a 1h level rebound to around 61,000 again, and then a 4h level correction.



From the perspective of the 15-minute level, whether this is definitely a 1h level correction, it is recommended to observe further, the trend is not very clear. If the 15-minute level remains above 59500, it should be a consolidation of a 15-minute level center, and then a surge to 61000. If it falls below, we will see a 1h level decline.


The same is true for Ethereum. It depends on whether it will make a 1h level correction or consolidate at the 15-minute level before rising again. I tend to think that no matter which one, the 4h level rebound is likely to have one more wave of upward rush before starting the 4h correction. In other words, if it falls below 2390 in the short term, it will make a 1h level correction to around 2350~2330, and then make another 1h level rebound to end the 4h level rebound here, instead of going directly down at the 4h level.

If the short-term does not fall below 2390 and directly rushes up to 2465, it is possible that there will be a direct 4h level correction afterwards.


Trend Direction

Weekly level: Downward direction, extension of weekly decline, theoretically around 49,000, the limit is 45,000~48,000, whether it is over or not still needs to be observed

Daily level: The direction is upward, and we will see if it will fall below 49,000.

4-hour level: The direction is upward, the 4h level rebounds into the target area, if it does not break through 63000, it may go through a 4h level correction next week

1-hour level: The direction is downward, and there is a certain probability of a 1-hour level callback

15-minute level: The direction is downward. If it stays above 59,500 in the short term, it may hit 61,000 to extend the 1h level rebound here.