The key to gaining value is information gap, cognition, courage and patience

For newcomers, a few simple steps to get rich in the cryptocurrency circle, the easiest way to find 100x and 1,000x coins

Summarized several methods, suitable for newcomers without capital

Overall idea: get money from airdrops, double the value of copycats, start local dogs, and preserve capital

1. Register Github account/Discord account/ account

2. Follow the first-hand information channels of projects on Twitter

3. Register galxe and Metamask wallets

4. Screen high-quality project airdrops: good projects require almost no capital, only operations, or very little capital, and do not participate in airdrop projects that require buying coins or staking

5. After getting the principal from the airdrop, pay attention to the Meme coin on Uniswap/Ray to get 10 times the return

6. Meme coin show-off strategy: deeply bind and interact with public chain officials, super IPs, and big V celebrities, and projects that have been pulled up 10 times but cut in half and are pulling up again

7. Meme coin has several profit-taking points: 5x, 10x, 50x, 100x

8. After Meme coin reaches 10x profit, enter mainstream exchanges such as Binance to look for 10x targets

9. Grayscale holdings (I have shared it in my internal group) high-value targets/leading public chains all have 10x space

10. With the arrival of the copycat season, 10x profit was taken, achieving 3 10x, and profiting 10x10x10=1000x from the principal