Main reasons for failure of young people in starting a business

Main reasons for failure of young people in starting their own business:

1. Heavy assets

The failure rate of young people in their first business is very high. The probability of success is as small as marrying their first love and staying together for a lifetime. They also have to engage in heavy assets. Heavy assets are fine, but they also have to take out loans to engage in heavy asset industries (opening stores). Isn't this asking for trouble?

The first business in life should be arbitrage type: more sales, more profit, less sales, less profit, no sales, no loss. Used to accumulate experience and capital

2. Not doing it yourself

Many guys put in some money to invest in other people's businesses, calling it a partnership, and then wait for the money without doing anything. This is to test human nature with their own RMB, not to mention that if you don't look at your own industry, can others do it seriously? Even if it is done, those who work seriously don't want to share money with you from the bottom of their hearts.

There are also some guys who have just started their own business, hired a few employees, and want to be a hands-off shopkeeper and not care about the store. Can this be done well? How can you expect employees to do a good job for you with a salary of several thousand yuan a month? If the boss is lazy, the employees have no obligation to be diligent, because the team's fighting spirit is led by the boss.

The boss of a startup company should personally put on more armor, do more work, do more micro-management, and centralization.

3. The boss's personal ability is weak

For example, he can't even make a PPT properly. In the information age, he can't even make a self-media account. The content is very poor. Rely on employees? Real top talents will not be interested in a startup company. The talents that startups can recruit often have certain defects, and the boss himself needs to coordinate and cultivate them. If the boss's own business ability is weak, how can he lead the entire team? Not everyone can be Liu Bei. It is a very low probability event that good generals like Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are willing to follow a penniless man to start a business.

The boss of a startup company needs to be a versatile person who knows a little bit about everything and can do everything, so that he can lead others well.