Looking back, Bitcoin's halving feast is always accompanied by the changing market. After the halving celebration on July 9, 2016, the market seemed to have entered a gentle cradle period. After 164 days of slow shaking, it suddenly broke free from its shackles and soared into the sky. Finally, on the 518th day after the halving, the bull market carnival reached its climax.

Time passed to May 11, 2020, and the halving bell rang again. The market once again staged a similar script-after 161 days of patient waiting, it suddenly awakened like a sleeping dragon, and marched forward all the way until the 549th day after the halving. The glory of the peak of the bull market once again illuminated the entire crypto world.

Now, the pointer of history has quietly pointed to April 20, 2024, and a new round of halving drama has just ended. So far, the market has quietly gone through a 146-day accumulation period, as if it can feel the power that is about to burst out. According to the past "magic calendar", October is always the month that makes the market shine, indicating that the day of change is just around the corner.

If we follow the thread of time and learn from history, we can boldly imagine that about 533 days after the halving in 2024, that is, around the third quarter of 2025, the market may usher in its golden age again, and the peak feast of the bull market may be staged again. This is not just a simple number game, but also a tribute and expectation to the past rules. Let us witness the arrival of this historical moment together!

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