You can't grasp simple market trends, and you can't be sure about big market trends. Not being able to analyze the market trend on the spot, unable to respond in time, and unable to take action on long and short positions. So why are you still waiting and watching? Then you might as well follow me, maybe your accidental choice will change your current situation. Looking back at the market yesterday, Bitcoin showed a fluctuating upward trend. The market has been rising slowly since the evening. The price reached a high of around 60,500 this morning, with an overall increase of 3,000 points from low to high. This surge was not too high. There is room for a long fall, and the trend is purely a strong unilateral upward move. Yesterday, the overall gain for longs was 2,300 points. Judging from the current market situation, bulls continue to rise in the short term, while the retracement of shorts gradually weakens, so the market outlook is mainly bullish.

Judging from the current market, the daily line clearly shows the unilateral upward trend of the market, the Yang line appears, and the half-box shape is gradually improving. After a strong rise in the evening, the rebound high point has steadily risen. The bulls have significant power and continue to recover the lower space, indicating that The subsequent upward trend is only a matter of time. Bulls have shown signs of increasing volume, the market is firmly in the center of the rise, its momentum continues to grow, and the moving average indicators clearly point to the rise. If the Yang line closes again today, the 59,000 area will become a solid short-term bottom. Several technical indicators are pointing to a moderate but firm uptrend.

Bitcoin: more than 60,000-59,500, target 61,500

Ethereum: 2420-2400 more Target attention 2560#新币挖矿CATI #美降息25个基点预期升温 #美国8月核心CPI超预期 #比特币年底能否突破10万美元? #灰度将推出首个美国XRP信托 $BTC $ETH