Good morning, everyone. I am Jifu.

1. At present, I have automatically closed half of all long orders in the early morning to protect my capital. Congratulations to everyone. Even if some new fans failed to participate in our mid-term long orders, they should have eaten very well in the short orders of the past three days.

If I remember correctly, our short orders were the 1h level short orders of mainstream coins on September 11 (I forgot the specific points), the long orders of 57,300 for big cake on the evening of September 12, and the long orders of 57,800 for big cake and SOL131.9 last night. Congratulations to everyone again.

2. Many people are very eager to open shorts at the position of 60,000-60,300. In fact, I am afraid of this situation. I specifically emphasized the risk of this operation last night.

It is not impossible, but touching the top on the left side is relatively risky. It would be much better to wait for a wave of retracement and then consider the short position, because even if it retraces now, it will not turn around directly.

Even if you just paid attention to me last night, whether it is the long order of $SOL 131.9 or the long order of $BTC 57800, you should have eaten up very much. Don't rush to go short at this time, okay, let's let the bullet fly for a while, okay.

3. This round of 4h-level rise starting from 52500 has now gone out of a complete 5-stroke up-down-up-up structure (52500-54800, 54800-53600, 53600-58100, 58100-55555, 55555-60500), among which the current fifth 1h-level up may not be completed yet.

So at present, after the current 1h-level up in this round of 4h-level up, there will be another 1h-level down and one 1h-level up inside. Finally, on September 18, we will end this round of 4h-level ups, and I will then provide you with the strategy for mid-term short positions.

4. Since the current 1h-level ups are no longer divergent from the previous one, we can move down to a 1h-level downswing at any time. This 1h-level downswing will end between 57,500 and 58,500. Then the last 1h-level upswing will attack the position near 61,500.

In other words, if you are not long, don't chase it at this time. We are already considering 1h-level shorts and mid-term short positions for next week.

5. There will be 4.5 options for the mid-term short positions next week. I will talk about the details on the 18th.