Good evening, everyone. I am Jifu.

1. Regarding the aggressive short order given at noon, from the perspective of trading logic, there is no problem, and the profit and loss ratio is very high.

The logic at that time was: the big cake has a narrow central axis at 62,000, and it will take a central axis to leave the pen to knock down the small high point at 8 o'clock in the morning, and then go down for a 4h level retracement.

Then as long as the big cake does not break through 63,000, the current 1h level rise will be reversed from the previous 1h level rise, and at the same time, the 4h level rise will end in the form of 7 strokes, and start to go down for a 4h level fall.

2. Since the big cake has broken through 63,000, the current 4h level rise has not been completed, and the internal structure still lacks the eighth stroke and the ninth stroke.

Since the daily line has been three positive for four days, the possibility of closing negative tomorrow is very high. Considering that the US stock market jumped up tonight, the Nikkei should also rise tomorrow, so the current 1h level rise may not be completed.

(But let's note that the gap-up surge in US stocks tonight actually did not cause the price of the big cake to rise too much)

In short, at noon tomorrow, we can arrange a short order and look for a 1h level pullback. Then take profit on the short order near 61000 and go long to see 64500.

3. After these two 1h level short and long orders are completed. Here we still need to look for a 4h level retracement, at least from the 65000 line to around 57500.

4. From July to now, the market has seen many actions such as drawing gates, false breakthroughs, and false breakouts at a small level, and the main force has repeatedly washed the market with various false signals. Therefore, we must put a question mark on the current "breakthrough of the downward trend line". So this does not mean that there will definitely be no draw down, refer to the day when it soared to 65000 before.

5. It is actually inappropriate to chase long at this position of 62000 this morning. First of all, it has risen a lot, 10000 points. Secondly, this 4h level rise has also lasted for a long time, 14 days. Thirdly, it is not easy to lead the defense. You can't lead a 2000-point defense to eat up 1500 points of profit. So if you chase the long position at 62000 today and eat up this part of the long profit, although I congratulate you, I do not recommend this approach. It is even more inappropriate to chase it at 63000 now.

Good night~