There are still 5 days left in the countdown to the Fed's rate cut. The market will start to move after the weekend. The rate cut is basically confirmed to be 25 basis points. Laoshan's previous article also said that the rate cut will release water, and a large amount of funds will flow into the market. Although funds will flow into the market, the dealer will still set traps at that time. After the long and short double kills, the dealer will start again. There are traps everywhere, but after the last few days, the rainbow will be particularly beautiful, and the market will not disappoint everyone. Let me say that Trump himself will release the WLFI coin on September 17. He and his son are very interested in the currency circle, including Musk who supports him behind the scenes. He used to be in Speaking in the cryptocurrency circle, Tesla can pay with GOOG and BITCOIN. At that time, GOOG and BITCOIN also exploded with just one word from him. Although they rarely come out now, BlackRock is the only one standing out in the current market, the market trend has completely changed, but everyone's thinking must also change. Now we are facing two problems. If Trump is elected, it will be good for the cryptocurrency circle. Harris's election is actually bad for the cryptocurrency circle. She has no interest in the cryptocurrency circle at all. Like Biden, she likes to make a fortune through war. After all, Trump is a businessman who focuses on economics. Although Harris has the best timing and people, she also has disadvantages. It is easy for wars to break out everywhere, and it is easy for a global financial crisis. The US economic recession will be even earlier!

Back to the point, Bitcoin reached a high of $58,426, but still did not break through the first pressure level of $58,500. It is currently hovering at $57,700. As for Ethereum, it has also been adjusted since it reached $2,391 yesterday. It is currently at $2,350. Bitcoin now has to see whether it can break through the 58,500 position. If it breaks through and stands firm, it will depend on the pressure level of the 60,000 mark. The support below remains unchanged at the 54,000 and 50,000 mark. For Ethereum, the upper pressure is at $2,450. If it breaks through 2,450 and stands firm, it will depend on $2,550. The focus below is on $2,200. If it falls below $2,200, the 2,000 mark will be very important. As for the altcoin, be patient and wait a few days. Bitcoin will drive the market, and Ethereum will also lead the altcoin to pull up. Although Ethereum is not respectful of people now, please believe that the market will get better. I hope everyone will seize the opportunity this time. If the economic recession really comes after the election, the market will be very bad next year!

Presumably, everyone has seen the news about the delayed retirement today. Many people are furious. The meeting was first proposed in 2008, and it took 15 years to pass it this year. It will officially start in January next year. Male: born after September 1, 1976, retirement is postponed to 63 years old. Female originally retired at 55, but was born after September 1, 1981, retirement is postponed to 58 years old. Originally retired at 50, but was born after November 1, 1984, retirement is postponed to 55 years old. All of the above are "ages". In addition, if you retire after January 1, 2039, you need to have 20 years of social security payments to reach the minimum payment period. You can voluntarily choose flexible early retirement, but it must not exceed three years and must not be lower than the original statutory retirement age. In fact, it is normal. After all, foreign countries have implemented it a long time ago. China is now facing a serious aging population, so it is normal to postpone retirement. After all, society needs to develop, and there are always people who need to pay so that they can live better in the future. In fact, everyone should have discovered this year that China's economy is not very good. It is getting harder and harder to make money. More and more people are in debt, and housing prices are also falling. In fact, this These are normal in Laoshan's view. Economic recession is normal. Many people see that it is difficult to make money in real life. Big pie used to hit new highs every day and there was all kinds of hype. Then they came to the currency circle out of curiosity, holding full of efforts to make money, thinking that this market is very simple and they can make money when they come. The results are not satisfactory, and they all give warmth to the dealers, especially those who buy counterfeit contracts and counterfeit. Big pie is in the sky, Ethereum is in the middle, and the counterfeit is still at the bottom. Others make a lot of money, and you keep watching in a daze. In fact, Laoshan reminded a long time ago that the currency circle is originally a speculative market. In the market, if you don't change your mindset, you can only give warmth to the dealer. You should choose a promising currency. Don't wait until the bull market is over and others have made a lot of money, but you can't even get enough interest. Here, Laoshan suggests that you can look at the market rationally. Don't look at 100,000 when it goes up and 20,000 when it goes down. Finally, since you have come to the currency circle, you must learn to speculate and change your mindset. I also hope that everyone can make a lot of money and achieve financial freedom as soon as possible. Then you don't have to worry about delaying retirement. I am Laoshan, protecting you like a mountain. Thank you for watching, and see you tomorrow!#灰度将推出首个美国XRP信托 #特朗普哈里斯辩论未提及加密货币 #比特币挖矿难度创历史新高 #美国8月核心CPI超预期 #美国大选如何影响加密产业?