In the vast star map of digital currency, every four years seems to draw a unique economic picture. Since 2019, we have embarked on a journey of ups and downs, witnessing the rise and fall and rebirth of the market.

2019: The dawn of light, the spring of recovery - This year, the digital currency market is like a long drought, and everything recovers, heralding the start of a new round of growth cycle.

2020 to 2021: Changing situation, alternating between bull and bear - Then, the market entered the adjustment period (2020). After a short silence, 2021 ushered in an unprecedented bull market frenzy, and the light of Bitcoin illuminated the dreams of every investor.

2022 to 2023: Baptism of bear market, recovery again - However, the good times did not last long. The bear market in 2022 was like a cold wind passing through, testing the patience and determination of every participant. But just as the four seasons cycle, 2023 ushered in the warm recovery of the market again, and the light of hope shone again.

2024 to 2030: Cycles and tests of wisdom - In the following years, the market continues to follow the law of a four-year cycle: half a year (accumulation), bull market year (glory), bear market year (baptism), recovery year (rebirth). Every ups and downs are a test of investors' wisdom and courage, and an indispensable growth process in the world of digital currency.

2031 to 2039: New era, new chapter - Entering the 2030s, this magnificent epic spanning five BTC cycles continues. Every recovery breeds new opportunities, every bull market witnesses a leap in technology, and every bear market makes the market more tenacious.

This is a contest of time, faith and wisdom. Every pulse of digital currency records the firm steps of human beings to explore the unknown and pursue value. In the days to come, let us work together to write our legendary chapter in this magnificent market.

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