$BTC Looking at the entire history of BTC, it is like the journey of a brand from birth to glory. BTC was proposed on October 1, 2008 and issued on January 3, 2009. It has been 15 years this year.

Due to the rapid development of the domestic Internet in recent years, restrictions have been relaxed a little, and everyone can recognize BTC, but it is too late because the best buying opportunity has been missed. Today, BTC's global influence and popularity have even exceeded any investment project. According to statistics, there are more than 900 million registered people in the world.

If you miss it in its starting stage, when it is glorious, where there is a chance to make you rich, this is the opportunity.

After an enterprise or a brand has opened up its popularity from publicity to promotion, after the operation of its own capital, the brand price has been continuously increased, which will naturally lead to more market attention and even investment. This is called drainage.

Then how to lock traffic and lock customers. Promoting the bull market once every four years is a very good method, just like Alibaba's Double 11, JD's Double 12, and today's 618, etc.

But BTC now has more than 900 million registered users. With such a large group, capital must continue to harvest the market in terms of bulls and harvests, and let the market still believe in the existence of a bull market every four years. It is difficult to have the best of both worlds in reality, but it is simple in the currency circle.

If BTC wants to lead the currency circle market to a higher level, the first point is that it cannot rise too fast. If it rises by a fault, then its price will go up, and its investment value in the minds of investors will not be even better than that of cottages. After all, retail investors are mainly small in assets.

This year, capital harvesting is too frequent. If the currency circle is to continue to survive, it will not rise too high, but it will definitely break 738 million, and the top will be 80,000-85,000, making a bull tail summary.

In the future, the risks in the currency circle will become greater and greater, even more than this year. If you want to survive in this circle, you must not only avoid the fraud of Chinese groups and organizations, but also face the constant calculations of capital and institutions. It's difficult

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