The market is sitting on the Diaoyutai, leisurely in the range of 56K to 58.5K, and Ethereum and SOL are also leisurely strolling in their own little world. Last night, the CPI data was released, and the market was calm as usual, without any waves. Next, we have to keep a close eye on whether the market can break through the 60K mark in one fell swoop, otherwise we may have to go back and explore the depth.

Speaking of bargain hunting, I carefully selected four new stars of altcoins. They are potential stocks in the bull market, and it is not difficult to double or even dozens of times.

AXL (Axelar): The "super adhesive" of the cross-chain world, with hardcore technology, although it is late, it is on par with Chainlink. Asset bridging is as fast as lightning and the cost is affordable. It has a recent callback, but the circulation is large, and there will be continuous actions in the future. It is expected to become the king of interoperability in the crypto world.

FTM (Fantom): The star of the bull market last year, although it encountered a small episode of hackers, the heroic spirit remains unchanged! Andre Cronje is in charge of the Sonic brand upgrade. The technology is close to Solana and it also maintains EVM compatibility. Low inflation, no pressure to unlock tokens, strong funds, and developer support, the road to revival is bright.

SOL (Solana): Although there are twists and turns, the foundation is solid and it is currently oversold. In the long run, it is a sure win, and 6-7 times of profit can be expected. If the Firedancer upgrade is successful, it will be even more powerful. However, L2 expansion needs to be cautious, and don't lose the unique charm of the native scalable chain.

ICP (Internet Computer): The recent rise has been like a rainbow, soaring by more than 10% in 24 hours. The consumption of tokens has accelerated, the supply has decreased, and the price has naturally soared. The market sentiment is high, and there may be consolidation in the short term, but the long-term prospects are generally optimistic.

These four coins have their own characteristics. It takes a keen eye to identify the pearls when buying at the bottom, but the opportunity is indeed rare. On the road of investment, risks and opportunities coexist, remember to act with caution! Don't forget to follow me, more dry articles are waiting for you to discover, to help you navigate the currency circle and avoid detours.

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