[All Air Force Assembly Order] ⚠️On the eve of the Bitcoin storm, a sharp drop warning! I am ready to go, loaded with bullets, waiting for the amazing feast of air explosion. Target locked: 63,000 highland. Once you reach the top, you will immediately start a long journey to the sky, pointing directly to the abyss of 43,000. Then, take a backhand, buy the bottom of the spot, and catch the dawn of rebound.

Even I, a layman in contracts, have prepared contract armor and are ready to fight. Remember, long-term hunters are not greedy for short-term fluctuations. If you hit it with one strike, doubling your account is no longer a dream.

Currently, Bitcoin is hovering at a dangerous peak of 58,000. Don't act rashly! This place is full of traps. The dog dealer may launch a forced short raid at any time, pushing you into the abyss. Be alert! Don't let your greed for a while become a lonely soul on the top of the mountain.

The strategy is clear: wait for the wind and clouds to change, and only take action at two key nodes-above 60,000, the air raid begins; or wait for it to fall to the abyss of 40,000, and buy the bottom to counterattack. The time has not come yet, wait patiently, do not charge blindly and become market fuel.

Brothers, the drama is about to begin, patience is our ally. Wait for the moment when Bitcoin changes, and then we will join hands to create brilliance together! Remember, wisdom and calmness are our magic weapons to win. ⚠️ Wait for the opportunity, and win with one strike! #灰度将推出首个美国XRP信托 #灰度将推出首个美国XRP信托 #美降息25个基点预期升温