Three stages of profit in the currency circle:

In the crypto market, achieving profitability typically requires going through three key stages:

1. Initial experience stage:

At this stage, investors mainly have a preliminary understanding and experience of the market. There may be some small profits at this stage, but you may also face larger losses. The money made by many people at this stage can easily be lost in subsequent transactions.

2. The stage of stable faith:

Over time, investors begin to stabilize their investment beliefs. Although only limited profits may still be obtained at this stage, by constantly being exposed to new investment tools and strategies, and summarizing experience, investors gradually form their own trading style and rhythm.

3. Successful transformation stage:

This stage is a critical period for profitability. Successful investors can significantly increase their wealth through effective strategies, accurate timing, strict discipline and a certain amount of luck. Success at this stage requires the experience and knowledge accumulated by investors in the first two stages. If you are still waiting and watching and cannot see the market trend clearly, and will only fall due to long views and rise due to short views, come to my personal account to find me.


Very few people can achieve profitability and successfully exit in the first stage. Most investors may not be able to continue to the end due to the loss of initial principal. Those who persist to the third stage are undoubtedly models of success. In a bull market, opportunities appear to be everywhere;

In a bear market, everything seems extremely difficult. Therefore, it is especially important to remain humble and calm in situations of information overload. Developing a good mentality, accurate judgment and focused trading strategies are the keys to long-term profitability.

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