Short-term trading is difficult, long-term investment is more reliable

In the capital market, there is a well-known saying: "In the short term, it is a voting machine, but in the long term, it is a weighing machine." This sentence is especially applicable in the currency circle, because in a short period of time, the market often fluctuates violently and is difficult to predict, and investors often face Great uncertainty.

In the crypto market, short-term fluctuations are even more significant.

Many people hope to make quick profits through short-term operations. However, this expectation of "getting rich overnight" is actually more like gambling. Success depends on luck, and the benefits brought by luck are often easily lost.

Short-term market fluctuations make it extremely difficult to judge trading opportunities, and this situation is not only a market characteristic, but also related to personal psychological patience.

stability and patience

Good trading opportunities don't happen often, but they do exist.

Typically, significant investment opportunities arise once or twice a year.

The currency circle is highly volatile, and the event-driven market also means that black swan events occur every year.

Looking back:

2018: The market experienced a significant decline.

2019: The market gradually bottomed out.

2020: The 312 incident caused violent fluctuations.

2021: The May 19 incident brings a sharp correction.

2022: The FTX incident will have a major impact on the market.

2023: Silicon Valley Bank and low volume volatility ahead of ETF adoption.

These events have had a profound impact on the market and provided opportunities to enter positions.

However, many people miss real opportunities because they cannot wait patiently and are eager to obtain short-term benefits.

in conclusion

True success often requires patience and a deep understanding of market cycles. While short-term trading is tempting, it also carries high risks and uncertainties. ➕👗➩BNB0098

Long-term investment provides more stable return opportunities, but requires investors to have enough patience. There will always be fluctuations and opportunities in the market, and learning to enter and hold at the right time is the key to achieving stable returns.

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