Bad news, this is absolutely terrible news for ordinary people who have no risk resistance at all!

40 years of super-fast economic growth should make every Chinese very rich, at least they should no longer worry about their livelihood after retirement.

However, today, we still have to continue to tighten the belts of the young people born in the 80s and 90s. So where did the money go?

In contemporary society, young people are a scarce resource. When developing, they don't consider sharing money, a large amount of capital flight and monopoly of wealth, and now the bad consequences appear, they think of the bottom people.

Those who are covered in silk and satin are not silkworm breeders. The way of allocating scarce resources seems to have been doomed long ago.

Let me put my butt here first:

In 5-10 years, the pension will enter the countdown to bankruptcy. The annual pension expenditure of nearly 12 trillion will eat up all the profits and income of state-owned enterprises, and the population growth will accelerate the avalanche...

#新币挖矿HMSTR #灰度将推出首个美国XRP信托 #美降息25个基点预期升温