Many people think that TON is giving money to the money-grabbing party and the studio, but in fact, the wealth effect of TON is nothing compared to L2.

Think about the fact that an ARB premium account could earn more than 2,000 dollars in the past. My friend only operated 100 accounts and earned 300,000 dollars. The cost of STRK's low-income account is only a few U, and one account can earn 600-700 dollars. Many studios rely on thousands of accounts to earn hundreds of thousands of dollars. As for Wormhole, the cost is only 1U per account, but the income is 1-2K dollars, and 1,000 accounts can bring a return of millions of dollars.

On the other hand, TG has 10,000 accounts, and each account costs more than 20U, and the final income from DOGS is only about 200,000 dollars. To achieve the level of 10,000 accounts, the source, cost and risk control requirements of the account are higher. As far as I know, there are not many people who can really operate the level of 10,000 accounts.

The number of accounts has increased tenfold, but the income is not even "pork trotter rice". Because the number of TON airdrop users is 50 times that of L2, a large L2 airdrop only has hundreds of thousands of participants, while the scale of TON airdrop users is in the tens of millions. In terms of wealth effect, the wealth effect of TG ecology and Layer 2 is simply incomparable.

Why am I optimistic and bullish on TG ecology? Because the old narrative is no longer valid. You say you make a lot of money? Ask those who have made money from Layer2 airdrops. After looking at the returns I calculated, they probably think it’s average, right?

From an investment perspective, in terms of capital investment, my layout in the ETH ecology far exceeds my investment in TON, and these are all sunk costs. Now, there is little hope for the issuance of ETH-related ecological coins, and the valuation is also worrying. Telling the truth is never easy, but it also makes people sober-the ETH-related ecology is declining, and the TG ecology is rising. The next killer application is likely not to appear in ETH, but will be born in TON.
