In the cryptocurrency world, short-term operations and long-term investments have their own advantages and disadvantages, and investors often hesitate between the two.

Short-term operations:

Strategy: Use large funds to trade frequently in short-term fluctuations in the price of the currency, and usually set a stop loss point to protect the principal.

Advantages: If the prediction is accurate, you may make a quick profit.

Risk: When the market fluctuates violently, you may miss the stop loss point, leading to emotional operations and further losses.

Long-term investment:

Strategy: Hold assets for a long time and invest based on long-term growth potential.

Advantages: Not affected by short-term market fluctuations, more stable.

Risk: Patience and time are required, and you may face a long period of floating and waiting.

In general, short-term operations with excessive speculation are more risky, while long-term investments that pursue stable returns are usually more likely to succeed.

(Early review strategy analysis of Bitcoin BTC and Ethereum ETH from Monday to Saturday, long-term recommendation of high-quality coins and live broadcast analysis, and irregular sharing of Fu Mi Ma) #新币挖矿HMSTR #灰度将推出首个美国XRP信托 #美降息25个基点预期升温