September 13, 2024 - American pop music superstar Taylor Swift, nicknamed "Taylor Swift", publicly supported Vice President Kamala Harris' presidential campaign on her personal social media Instagram this week. This move not only quickly triggered widespread social discussion, but also directly led to a surge in visits to the government voting website, demonstrating the extraordinary influence of this superstar.

Swift posted a statement on Instagram in which she made clear her support for Harris's candidacy for president: "I will be voting for Harris because she fights for rights and causes that I believe require warriors to defend."

Swift also added that the country should "lead with calm, not chaos." These words not only reveal Swift's political stance, but also convey her awareness of the importance of increasing voter participation.

According to data provided by the General Services Administration (GSA), experienced a significant increase in traffic after Swift posted her support for Harris' campaign. As the official voting registration platform provided by the U.S. federal government, this website aims to help people understand how to register as a voter and the voting process.

Statistics show that within 24 hours after Swift shared the link, the number of unique visitors to the website reached 337,826, an increase of about 30% compared with the same period of the previous week.

Analysts pointed out that Swift's action may be one of the key factors leading to the increase in voter registration. Considering that her fan base is mainly concentrated among young people, this surge in traffic is likely the result of a positive response from young people.

Young voters have historically been seen as having lower turnout rates, so anything that can spark their interest in voting is seen as a significant contribution to the democratic process.

To more fully understand the impact of this traffic increase, we can compare historical data. During the same period in 2020, the website received an average of about 250,000 daily visits, and that number nearly doubled on the day Swift released her statement of support. This significant change shows that political messages delivered by celebrities through social media can trigger large-scale public responses in a short period of time.

This time, Swift used her huge social media influence to successfully draw attention to the important link of voter registration, once again proving the voice and action of public figures on social issues. As the election approaches, Swift's action has undoubtedly injected new vitality into the entire campaign cycle, and also reminded people that everyone's vote is crucial. #新币挖矿HMSTR #灰度将推出首个美国XRP信托 #美国8月核心CPI超预期 #比特币挖矿难度创历史新高 #特朗普哈里斯辩论未提及加密货币