If you are in a loss-making state when doing contracts, if you want to turn losses into profits, then you must read this article carefully and follow the following six points (each of which is useful)

100% guarantee that you can achieve profitability

1. Learn to stop profit and stop loss

The market is changing rapidly, and you must learn to stop profit and stop loss. This is not difficult. Stop profit controls your greed. A coin will not rise endlessly, nor will it fall all the time. It has cycles, so stop profit becomes particularly important. Don't always worry about closing the position too early and not getting the profit later! You must remember that you can't make all the money in the currency circle, but you can lose all the money in your account.

Stop loss means giving up sunk costs, which is also very difficult. Don't always think that if you hold on to an order, the market will reverse in the next second. Don't think so. If you are wrong, you are wrong. You must admit it. If you are beaten, you must stand at attention. Although it hurts to cut off your arm to survive, it can really save your life.

2. Don’t make orders frequently

Taboo, don't always think about taking both long and short positions? Wake up, not many people can do it, be content if you can take one side. Another point is the handling fee, low multiples are okay, high multiples are uncomfortable, you lose 1~2 points of profit as soon as you open an order, you must ensure that this order can make money, otherwise this order is meaningless, and all the profit will be used as handling fee by the dog dealer!

3. Learn to short

When you don't understand the market, don't open orders blindly. At this time, you will say that it is uncomfortable to miss the market. Then I have to ask you, is it more uncomfortable to miss the market or to suffer losses? Opening orders blindly without understanding the market and grasping the direction is no different from gambling!

The key to trading is a probability advantage. No one can accurately predict whether it will rise or fall. The market changes too quickly. We can only say that there is a high probability of rising or falling.

Four: Step by step

Don’t always think about becoming a fat man by eating all at once. You can’t eat hot tofu in a hurry!

The cryptocurrency world will not make you rich overnight. For example, if you use 100 yuan as capital and open 10 times the long position, your position will be 1000 yuan. If it goes up by one point, you will make 10 yuan. If it goes up by two points, you will get 20 yuan, which is enough for breakfast. Now working in a factory for 15 yuan an hour, opening three or four orders a day, and the winning rate reaches 60-70%, it is not as comfortable as working in a factory.

5. Don’t bet heavily

Never go all in with a large position, as something unexpected may happen and you may lose everything. For example, the market may be rising as expected, but suddenly a major news comes out and the market takes a sharp turn for the worse, and you don’t set a stop loss, then you are doomed!

So don’t be in a hurry, you must enter with a light position, and be steady. There is no shortage of market conditions and opportunities in the currency circle, and they will always be there, at least for the next 10 to 20 years, so don’t be fooled by the illusion in front of you!

6. We must integrate knowledge and action

This is indeed very difficult. Sometimes I cannot do this completely. The weaknesses of human nature are very difficult to grasp!

I used to be a loser. I didn’t understand these basic issues at first. I placed orders blindly and randomly without any plan!

After being in the industry for a long time, you will know that the cryptocurrency circle can really change your destiny! The premise is that you must have a state of mind far superior to others, the courage to dare to show your sword, the courage to stop losses in time, and the ruthlessness to survive even if you cut off your arm! Otherwise, you will never become the 1% of people with destiny! $BTC


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