Three stages of profit in the currency circle

80% of people who want to make money in the currency circle usually need to go through three cycles:

First experience stage

This stage is mainly about experiencing the market. You may make some small money, but you may also suffer a large loss, or you may eventually lose all the money you make.

The stage of stable faith

At this stage, investors begin to consolidate their beliefs. Although they may still make small profits, they gradually form their own trading rhythm by being exposed to new things and summing up experience.

successful transition stage

This stage is critical, and with strategy, timing, discipline, and a certain amount of luck, it is possible for investors to accumulate significant wealth.

There are extremely few people who can achieve profits and successfully exit in the first cycle. Most people may fail to see the final results due to loss of principal, but those who can persist to the end are already extraordinary.

In an up market, everything seems full of opportunities; in a down market, everything seems full of difficulties. Therefore, when information is flooding in, we need to remain humble and calm. The more you try to operate, the more you may lose. Developing a good attitude, discernment, and concentration is crucial.

I would like to remind everyone that the currency market is full of uncertainties and challenges, but there are also hidden opportunities. When participating, investors need to fully understand the relevant risks, remain rational, and respond to market changes with sound strategies. 📈 Want to learn more about the logic of cryptocurrency investment? Please visit my main leaf simplicity.

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