Morning Thoughts on September 13

Yesterday, the highest point of the big cake hit 58600, and then fell back quickly, but now the low point is also rising. Although there is pressure near 58500, it is a matter of time to break through. Yesterday, a total of one operation and one short operation were carried out, and 1600 points of the big cake and 40 points of the concubine were won.

Operational suggestions

Big cake is long around 57200 to 57800, and the target is around 58500 to 59000

The concubine is long around 2320 to 2340, and the target is around 2380 to 2420#meme板块关注热点 #美国8月非农就业人数不及预期 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #BTC☀ #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥