Every trader is like a sailor, always facing the ever-changing market. Recently, I heard that many friends' short orders encountered a "false breakthrough" in the market, and they stopped losses and left the market. However, in this market full of variables, there is no real or fake breakthrough, only whether it happens or not. Once the market breaks, it is a real breakthrough, no matter how it is interpreted later.

Market fluctuations are the norm in the market, and price changes after the break are common. Sometimes, there will be a lot of bottom-fishing after the market breaks, causing prices to rise again, giving people the illusion of a "false breakthrough". However, this is not a deception of the market, but a true reflection of market behavior. Therefore, we don't need to worry about true or false breakthroughs, but should pay more attention to how to deal with market changes.

Stop loss is an important strategy in trading. It helps us leave the market in time when the market trend is unfavorable to avoid greater losses. After stopping loss, trading again is the wisdom and courage that every trader should have. No one can be right forever, and the market always surprises. The key is whether we can stay calm after stop loss, re-analyze the market and look for new trading opportunities.

Re-trading does not mean blindly chasing ups and downs, but a wise decision made after fully analyzing the market. It requires us not to rush for success after stop loss, but to wait patiently for the next opportunity in the market. Such a trading attitude can not only help us recover losses, but also enable us to move forward steadily in a long-term investment career.

Therefore, in the face of market fluctuations and breakthroughs, we should remain calm and rational. Don't get entangled in meaningless arguments about true and false breakthroughs, but focus on how to respond to market changes. Stop loss is the norm in trading, and re-trading is our wise choice. Only in this way can we sail steadily in the wave of speculation and finally reach the other side of success. #美降息25个基点预期升温 #灰度将推出首个美国XRP信托 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #特朗普哈里斯辩论未提及加密货币 #美国8月核心CPI超预期 $BTC