In the cryptocurrency world, is short-term or long-term more profitable?

Many cryptocurrency investors often hesitate between short-term and long-term strategies.

In the cryptocurrency world, excessive speculation often leads to failure, while those who pursue steady returns are more likely to succeed.

Generally, there are two main ways for leeks to speculate in cryptocurrencies:

Short-term operations: This strategy usually involves trading active currencies with larger funds, using stop-loss orders to protect capital, and predicting short-term fluctuations in currency prices.

If the prediction is accurate, investors will wait and see, waiting for the right time to sell.

If the prediction is wrong, sell at the stop-loss point.

However, this strategy may miss the stop-loss point when encountering a sudden market waterfall or pullback, causing investors to emotionally sell after being trapped, and may repeat operations after the market rebounds, resulting in further losses.

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