Summary of Bitcoin at this stage:

At the end of the first quarter, emotional investors with high contract leverage and early all-in fell,

In the second quarter, short-term speculators and investors with low leverage (including borrowing pressure) fell,

In the third quarter, investors who really couldn't hold on due to special family or life circumstances fell. They also wanted to hold on, but objective conditions did not allow it.

Those who can hold on to the end of the third quarter and the beginning of the fourth quarter this year are already among the best, proving that their mentality is relatively stable, their funds are relatively clean and sufficient, and they can do long-term and resist long-term pressure.

No matter what the situation is, they can adjust themselves at any time, mobilize off-site funds at critical moments, have strong willpower, complete financial level, conform to the survival logic of natural selection, and have the ultimate ability to cross cycles! !

#美降息25个基点预期升温 #美国8月核心CPI超预期 #美国经济软着陆?