Individual currency analysis (2)


This coin needs attention, because its adjustment rhythm is slower than the broader market. I have analyzed it before, so the last time it fell below 5.9, it prompted a drop below 5 US dollars. After the current price fell below, it pulled back to the resistance level. It happened to be here in four hours. The second impact is on the Vegas channel resistance level. If 5.6 cannot effectively stand up, there is a high probability that this is the top of the short-term rebound. It is not recommended to buy at the moment.


You can check the game currency to see how his game is. At present, the game has only suddenly pulled one and then adjusted it. The essence of the game depends on its economic model. If you want to play this currency, you can pay more attention to his game. , follow recent developments and start from the fundamentals.

Can Luna go to 0.5?

It can only be said that there are hype expectations for the Mid-Autumn Festival, but don’t put too much hope in it. If everyone is watching, it may not be able to pull up much. There is a daily convergence and breakthrough pattern here. Only when it stands at 0.395 can a short-term market start. The upper daily line Resistance is around 0.48

#BNBChainMemeCoin #美国8月非农就业人数不及预期 #以太坊基金会 #美国经济软着陆? #美国大选如何影响加密产业?