#ETHđŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„ $ETH #仄ć€Ș杊ćŸș金䌚

In 2024, the price of Bitcoin rose by about 36%, while Ethereum was almost flat. In contrast, the price of Ethereum is at a 40-month low relative to Bitcoin, falling 34% in the past 90 days, while Bitcoin has only fallen 15%.

There are several reasons for this gap. First, the launch of Bitcoin spot ETFs has been favored by investors, while Ethereum ETFs have performed relatively weakly. Data shows that spot Bitcoin ETFs have a much greater impact on the market than Ethereum ETFs, which means that investors are much more interested in Bitcoin than Ethereum.

Second, Bitcoin's market dominance is constantly increasing, currently accounting for 58% of the crypto market, which is also a 40-month high. This shows that investors are more optimistic about Bitcoin and may have reduced their investment in other cryptocurrencies (including Ethereum) as a result.

Ethereum's own on-chain activity has also been weak. For example, the number of active addresses and the use of decentralized applications (DApps) are both declining, while competing chains like Solana and Tron are growing. This means that user usage and demand for Ethereum is decreasing, further affecting its price.

Overall, if Ethereum wants to break through $2,400, it needs to have a significant increase in on-chain activity and DApp usage to attract more users and investors back to the network. Otherwise, Ethereum may continue to lag behind amid Bitcoin's strong performance.