The trend of Bitcoin in the morning has risen. It is obviously not appropriate to chase more. It has repeatedly tested the high point of 58,000 and fell under pressure. Will there be any surprises this time? The trend did not disappoint us. In the morning, Bitcoin rebounded to 57,850. We urgently reminded to go short during the session. The trend was also very consistent with our expectations. It fell as expected in the afternoon, and simply received more than 1,700 points of space to exit the warehouse. This is the power of the trend. The trend is slow, but the result is good. Have you followed it?

From the 4-hour chart, we can see that the high-level top structure has not been broken at least now, so don’t speculate on a breakthrough. If it really breaks through, then just follow the trend and go long. It has repeatedly tested the high point and was under pressure in turn, so the follow-up still maintains the bearish thinking. The market is all current. If the current market does not break the new high, continue to stick to the high-altitude thinking. There is a high probability that it will still rise and fall. Let’s wait and see!

For Bitcoin night operations, Lin Kun personally recommends rebounding 57,150-57,650 short, and the target can be 56,000-55,500! #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #以太坊基金会 #以太坊基金会 #美国8月非农就业人数不及预期 #BNBChainMemeCoin $BTC $ETH $BNB