Good evening, everyone. I am your old friend Lin Kun. I wonder if you are asleep at this time? Anyway, Lin Kun can't sleep. Such a good market is to pick up U. Bitcoin has finally fallen back. Lin Kun has emphasized that the decline is inevitable. Today we are short at 63850, and we have taken 1000 points of space as expected. Have you shorted?

Bitcoin has repeatedly tested the short-term support of 62500, but it finally broke. Once 62500 is broken, the market outlook is very likely to fall back significantly. Now the market trend is very obvious. Although the intraday market has broken through 64000 in the short term, it is just a false shot. The market has not continued to rise. From the 4-hour chart, the market has risen and then slowly fell. Although the trend is relatively slow, it does not affect the momentum of the continuous decline of the short position. The market trend has peaked, and the rhythm of the short trend has begun to counterattack. The direction has been given. You can do it!

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