Community, to test out the performance of our network, we welcome you to join our stress test and get an additional booster as testnet participants.

Dive deeper to learn how to participate.

Main Rules

As stated above, the primary mission of the event is to test the throughput and stability of Prom. The Stress Test will be held in cooperation with our fellow project V60, the first DEX operating on Prom. The trading on V60 will start in the nearest future, so track Prom and V60 announcements across socials to not miss out the launch of the DEX.

In order to participate, you’ll need to complete 2 or more trades on V60 in the set 30-minute time bracket. If you successfully complete the task, you get a “Stress Tester” achievement on Prom’s testnet that follows the same logic as older ones and acts as a multiplier of the testnet points. The “Stress Tester” achievement will be visible on the dashboard once we move closer to the Stress Test launch.

How do you track the start of the Stress Test Event?

You will be able to track the start of the stress test through the main page of the DEX. You will see an active 24-hour countdown once we move closer to the test launch. Once the stress test goes live, you will have 30 minutes to participate and trade.

We will also update you on the start of the Stress Test through the socials, so make sure you stay tuned.

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