From the perspective of short-term bulls, the sideways or small declines at high levels are all accumulating power for the subsequent big rise. Many people may feel itchy and want to short when they see the previous high point. Let me tell you, shorting at this time is likely to be liquidated, but it has become a "god assist" to promote the rise.

In terms of operation strategy, Bitcoin recommends long orders near 56000 and 56600, with a target of 59800 and a stop loss of 55800, which is stable.

Ethereum is also good. You can consider going long at 2330 and 2210, with a target of 2418 and a stop loss of 2272. Safety first.

There is also SOL, 132 and 129 are also good times to go long, with a target of 146 and a stop loss of 127. Don't be greedy, set a stop loss and feel at ease.

In short, the market trend is upward now, let's follow the trend, mainly low-long, high-short, make money!

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