At 9 a.m. Beijing time on Wednesday, Trump and Harris will have a fierce confrontation in Philadelphia. As senior cryptocurrency investors, we must pay attention to the profound impact this debate may have on the crypto market.

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🤔Why is this debate so important?

  1. Economic policies are very different
    Trump advocates imposing additional tariffs, while Harris prefers a moderate trade policy. Imagine if Trump's 10%-20% tariff policy is implemented, will it drive more funds to flow into the crypto market for risk aversion?

  2. Tax policy competition
    Harris wants to raise corporate tax from 21% to 28%, while Trump wants to continue to cut taxes. In a high-tax environment, will more companies consider converting their assets into cryptocurrencies?

  3. A U-turn in Energy Policy
    Harris supports new energy, and Trump may cancel subsidies for electric vehicles. Will this affect the trend of energy tokens? For example, will storage tokens such as Filecoin benefit or suffer from changes in energy policies?

  4. The big test of inflation
    Both of their policies are likely to push up inflation. In an environment of rising inflation, will Bitcoin's status as "digital gold" be further consolidated?

With policy changes, especially in terms of tariffs and tax policies, we may see sharp fluctuations in financial markets in the short term. This is a development that investors holding stocks or assets in related industries must pay close attention to.

🚀 Market reaction: Who wins and who loses?

According to Polymarket's prediction, Harris has a 73% chance of winning the debate, while Trump has only 27%. But, my friends, don't forget the lesson of 2016 - polls are not always right!

Remember, no matter who is elected, the future of cryptocurrencies is in our hands. Keep calm, analyze rationally, and seize every opportunity!

🌐For more news analysis, real-time coin price analysis and predictions, please visit:

The above content is for information sharing only and does not constitute any investment advice! Investment is risky, so be cautious when entering the market!

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