The morning view of Bitcoin on Tuesday is as follows:

Bitcoin rose strongly overnight. So far, the highest price has reached around 58,000. The bullish trend has begun to counterattack, but the pullback is still relatively slow and the space is not large. The current price is fluctuating around 57,150. The overall trend is still tug-of-war, but the up and down fluctuation space is not large. There is room for long and short back and forth, but the space is not large, and it is more comfortable to run short-term!

From the 4-hour trend chart, we can see that the market has not broken the triangle range in the short term, and the idea of ​​wide fluctuations has not changed. Although it seems strong before, it is unable to break. The sustainability is not strong, and the back and forth tug-of-war is the main style in the near future. After all, the market is still in the correction stage, and only after the correction is completed can we get out of the space. For the future trend, we still maintain the long first and then the short!

In terms of Bitcoin morning operations, Lin Kun personally recommends a pullback of more than 57,000-56,500, and the target can be around 58,500-59,000! #美国经济软着陆? #以太坊基金会 #美国8月非农就业人数不及预期 #小非农增幅创3年多新低 #BTC走势分析 $BTC $ETH $BNB